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The Donnelly Watson Carpet & Flooring Blog

This is where you'll find all the latest news from Donnelly Watson, the carpets and flooring specialists, including expert tips and advice, inspiration and ideas, competitions and events, domestic and commercial case studies, and company updates.

Carpet Care Guide

Investing in a new carpet can be costly, which is why you want to give it the best care you can. Thankfully, keeping your carpets in great condition really needn’t be that hard. All you have to do is follow our top carpet care tips to keep yours looking as good as new.   Regularly vacuum […]

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Keeping your carpet clean
what is the best dining room floor choice
flooring choices for your living room
flooring choices for your kitchen
Carpet runner stairs

What Can We Expect from Smart Flooring?

It seems as though everything has the potential to be “smart” these days, from your TV to your phone to your fridge. On a more personal level, heart-rate and fitness trackers are increasingly commonplace and helping people to improve their general health and fitness. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are seeing a […]

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StrategiQ Flooring

Environmentally Friendly Flooring Options

With people gradually becoming more aware of their responsibility to protect the world they live in, environmentally friendly products have enjoyed a huge increase in popularity in recent years. This is particularly true in the flooring industry, with many designers and manufacturers now capable of producing eco-friendly options for both domestic and commercial purposes. But […]

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